Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Klez, most beloved kitty

If Klezzie were here, I'd not be able to type, because she'd be laying across my keyboard and I'd stop, rub her furry soft bellly, pull her ears, and pet her. Satisfied, we'd rub noses, and she'd descend to her bed at my feet.

Klez, thank you for bringing such love, light and joy into our lives. We are forever grateful...
Linda, Peter and little Martini
Kaddish for Klez

...Let us not look for you only in memory, 
Where we would grow lonely without you. 
You would want us to find you in presence, 
Beside us when beauty brightens, 
When kindness glows 
And music echoes eternal tones...

above excerpted from On the Death of The Beloved
in To Bless the Space Between Us 

John O'Donohue


Anonymous Paula Roberts said...

We lost Pat & Quinn this year...the older members of our family. They tell me that they go to Hawaii. I hope they have all met & are having a party together. Those furry people can easily break hearts. Love to you,
Paula Roberts

11/29/2013 3:56 PM  
Anonymous linda said...

Thanks, Paula. How sweet of you - Hawaii would be a puufect spot!

1/14/2014 1:31 PM  

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