Wednesday, July 26, 2006

hands in action

so, if you do an "~along", i think you're supposed to sort of have "progress" reports, right? as i mentioned a few posts ago, i'm doing the mitten a~long with the other bitchin mitten peeps...

i was moved to start a few weeks ago. peter doesn't usually mention world news specifics to me (i don't watch tv) but that night, he couldn't help himself: israel, big dig tunnel disaster, the list went on. my hands wanted to do something, to either comfort, change, somehow affect what was clearly a troubled state of affairs...i wanted to create some sacred mittens in a sacred space. mittens created in such a space would help bring more peace, balance and light into the world. this was my thought that night, and for a little while, there did exist a quality of peace in my world. did you feel it? or do i have to crochet louder? :)

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